"He who gains victory over other men is strong;

but he who gains victory over himself is all powerful" - Lao Tzu

on the importance of video analysis...

taking the time to record your efforts and put yourself under the microscope in order to analyze, critique, and tear apart your actions is necessary in order to understand how you move. from there the time must be invested to learn what steps can be taken to improve. only after an honest self assessment and application of knowledge will the dividends reveal themselves. at that point one can begin to experience improved control, more efficient movement of loads thru time and space, and increased rate of motion.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


with only borderline efficiency in the muscle up exhaustion was not as much of a consideration as was muscle failure. technical efficiency and increased power to weight ratio will help with this personal issue and should allow for a higher score next time

benchmark alpha - 4.20.10 from insular gym on Vimeo.